September 6, 2008

Currently My Favorite Book

Perhaps unsurprisingly, I haven't had much time for reading from my personal library since our Big Bang popped off (or is that out?). When I have a free minute or two, I usually find myself hitting up our stack of baby books rather than saying what's up to my homeboys Conrad, Twain, and Chekhov.

Lately, I've found myself turning more and more to a single book when I'm at my wit's end with our newest addition to the family. It's called The New Father, and it's written by some cat named Armin Brott. It's a fucking life saver, and I'd gladly recommend it to any new progenitor.

Thank you Mr. Brott, you're saving me from losing my sanity. As a bonus, I also get to bring up some occasionally interesting baby factoids and spout out amazing "insights" during the course of the day's activities, causing Mama K to think I'm some kind of parent expert or something.


1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    Thanks very much for the kind words about my book! Shoot me a line if you have any comments or need anything.

    Armin Brott
