October 29, 2009

Young Old, The Movie XXVIII

[Well, scratch that hope for things calming down around here. Had another gang of visitors storm the palace gates, journeyed up to Seattle for a four-day marathon of Auntie Ren wedding prep, ceremony enjoyment, and heavy drinking, then capped it all off with surgically removing Frisco the Cat's right eye ball. Awesome. -Ed.]

First time on the swing, and he doesn't even need our help. The nest feels empty already.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday son! You truely are amazing and I am so happy that you opened this part of my heart that I did not even know I had in me. AND thank you papa Old for doing such a great job at documenting the 1st year of our son's life.
    Love you both soooooo much.
    Mama K
