Mama K went back to work today, so I'm officially a Stay-At-Home Father starting around 7am this morning. I could tell that Mama K was having a hard time leaving her son with a titty-less man such as myself, but she didn't say a word, just passed Young Old over to me as the still-weak sun was filtering in through the blinds, gave me a long hug and kissed us goodbye. Bless her heart, she's a good mother. Know that the little guy and I will be missing you every second you're off slaving away...
Thankfully, my mother and sister arrived last night, so the cavalry has arrived, back-up has been called in, etc. They've been a big help already, thawing milk, burping, bathing, and changing diapers (finally, a reprieve!).
Anyway, a picture of the little hobgoblin blogging with Papa Old:

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