Young Old's Auntie Ren was in town a few weeks back, and fell right into the role like a natural, helping out with diapers, morning snuggles, etc. Thanks, Sis, you were a great help...feel free to move into our spare bedroom and take over full-time, anytime.

Grandpa Don was here all last week, and spent a few hours each day in this pose, napping with Young Old.

I love the way our little man is hugging his Mama. As you can see, we've been spending a lot of time resting on the couch. Young Old can't walk soon enough, as some serious exercise is definitely called for at this point...my six-pack is gone, my man-boobs are fitting nicely into Mama K's pre-pregnancy bras, and I haven't seen my penis in weeks. And Mama K just gets to sit back and lose weight by titty feeding. Such is life.
