Feeling a bit adventurous, the evening found Mama K, Young Old and I heading out to the spanking-new North Portland art gallery Artery for their Beautiful Losers exhibit showcasing over a dozen offbeat underground painters, screen printers, and photographers who connected in NYC during the early 90's, and have since enjoyed mainstream and international success. I came to see the work of several artists that had a big effect on me during my rebellious graffiti-filled teenage years, namely Barry McGee (his Twist pieces/portraits adorning the streets of San Francisco were fucking amazing), Shepard Fairey (anyone remember the "Andre the Giant has a Posse" stickers and the ubiquitous OBEY wheatpastes?), and Harmony Korine (his films Kids and Gummo were on near-constant rotation in the VHS deck of my youth).
Barry McGee at Deitch Projects, one of the most important galleries in NYC...I had the pleasure of delivering some art there last year to make a few bucks while out in Brooklyn visiting my buddy Reid.

Shepard Fairey with some recognizable (and maybe opportunistic) propaganda.

Afterwards, we decided to head out to our favorite dessert joint, Pix Patisserie. We quickly devoured our tasty treats while Young Old began to fuss his little heart out, washing it all down with cups of addiction-satisfying Stumptown Coffee, Mama K's first cup since we set out to impregnate her. It was decaf, of course (we'll show a bit of restraint and wait until Young Old's 3rd birthday before introducing him to the wonders of caffeine), but her heart still thumped like a marathon-running crackhead's. It'll be another long, sleepless night. Good thing we're getting used to those...
Mama K and I's Pix picks, the Queen of Sheba Truffle Cake and the St. Honore, respectively. My mouth is still watering.

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