Grandma giving Young Old a bath. We've given her the name Bonanna, a mixture of her first name (Bonnie) and a bastardized version of grandma in Italian (Nonna). We originally were going to roll with her Hungarian background's version of grandmother, but we thought Young Old would get frightened whenever we used the word Nagyanya around him.

Aunt T about to lose a staring contest.

Uncle Green holding it down at Costello's Travel Caffe, our go-to for a good hang.

GrandPops and Young Old doing what they do best.

Mama K instilling in Young Old a healthy dose of penis envy at The Yes Men exhibit at the Pacific Northwest College of Art's gallery, which played host to several artifacts used in their infamous shenanigans (but where's the Halliburton Bubble, guys?). If you haven't seen their movie, do so now...these folks are wonderful additions to the human race.

Teaching Young Old the finer points of beer drinking at a recent trip to the Pyramid/MacTarnahan's brewery in NW Portland. Cheers!

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