A few snapshots:
"This is very important, Young Old. Remember to never turn your back on the Ocean, as She is a vengeful creature. Oh, hey there, sleeper wave!"

Young Old sets out on his expedition to the Far East. With so few provisions, no wonder it ended in disaster.

Seriously, what happens to the dirty, care-free and adventurous creatures we all began life as? Society sure crushed my little inner fun boy, as there's no way in hell I'm getting sand in my latte. Seemingly, this sentiment is apparently genetic, as neither GrandPops or Uncle Danpa traded in their well-cared for appearances for cold gritty wetness.

"Um, Mom and Dad...can I eat this?" Sure thing, son. Whatever makes you happy. Just try to munch around that decaying seagull.

This unbridled joy is what makes all those sleepless nights and explosive diapers pencil out, though I must admit his joie de vivre was short-lived once we aimed the water hose his way. Sorry, pal, no sand in the car seat.

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