Anyway, here's the second batch of photos from Young Old's first trip to Cali. This series, along with the next set, concern the 17 weddings [Only three, Old the Exaggerator.-Ed.] we attended in seven days.
A dazed Young Old, wondering what all the fuss is about. I think he's still attempting to figure out why daddy tried to hang himself several times that week with all those fancy silk ropes.

Young Old, representing at his Uncle MattyMatt's wedding at the Oakland Museum, posing up with his Uncle Green and Uncle Arturo. He acted like a champ during all three ceremonies/receptions, but in his own little act of rebellion directed at the week's chaos, he steadfastly refused to look at the camera.

"Okay, I can do this. One down, two to go. Oh, but it's sooooo meltingly-hot outside! My Portland-made body just doesn't agree with 95 degrees Fahrenheit," The Boy muttered. Sensing an imminent case of heatstroke, we retreated into the cavernous safehouses of nearby wineries for refreshments and A/C. By the way, Young Old loves his new complementary wine corker.

Mama K, striking as always, helping the Young One keep cool at my Cousin J's wedding at the Kunde Winery. Lovely setting, and we all had a great time. Sadly, all this sun bleached and damaged Young Old's silky-dark, flowing curls, leaving them crispy, blond, and thin. His hairdresser Auntie Ren was so not pleased.

Aunt T and Nana assisting Sir Young in his attempted removal of the Sword from the Stone. Needless to say, he was unsuccessful in his attempt at finding something more meaningful to do with his time, like slaying dragons and uniting Britannia, resigning him to a lifetime of scrubbing dishes and massaging our feet.

Our hot, sweaty little family.

Young Old getting in some quality time with Papa Old's brother Danpa. Note the trashy absence of his pants. Nothing like rocking the diaper at what was likely a $40,000 wedding. Truly classy, my boy.

Young Old, bored by the traditional Christian ceremony (no offence, God-fans, but the thing could use a bit more spice), hit the snooze button, missing out on a great second half, a modified Hindi wedding ceremony. It was wonderful, Cousins J and A, thanks for the invitation.

Our little Sweat Monster sliming it up with his Great-Grand-Papa. Great-Grand-Nami not pictured, but still loved.

The Funky Young One showing Mama K how to "Get on the Good Foot."

Mama K and Aunt T, barely containing a Young Old rearing to literally dehydrate himself from dance overload. The kid's a natural. A few more years and he'll be hitting the child star circuit, finally earning his keep around these parts.

Young Old getting in a brief visit with the J Bride and trying very hard not to stuff that delicious-looking spiderweb she's wearing on her head into his slavering maw. Thanks for exercising your restraint, little buddy. In fact, you were amazing all week, and I hereby officially nominate you for the category of Best Behaved Baby Boy. You done good, son.

[Thanks to Aunt T and The Bruce for several of these photos!-Ed.]
it was a whirl wind of a 2 week stay in the bay...but you are right little man did soooo good...infact i think he takes after his papa with a true travel bug in his genes.