One very excited Uncle Briguy, snatching up Young Old during a lull in the festivities. The excitement quickly withered after Young Old burped a good one out his butt shoot.
Three generations of the Old Family. I'm probably thinking what you're thinking...I sure got screwed in the hair department.
Young Old somehow sneaked into the "siblings" photo, radically altering the theme. We struggled for weeks determining what category this photo would fall into, finally settling on "etc."
Young Old and his (sorta) newly-wed Uncle Danpa (they married last year, but held the formal celebration on their one-year anniversary). Soon after this photo, we caught my brother teaching his nephew about the wonders of pond scum and the crunchy texture of dragonflies. Thanks, dude...I was avoiding that particular lesson.
Young Old taking a much-needed break from the 106 degree weather, as well as all that ridiculous cheek pinching. Seriously, what's up with that tradition?
Behold Sir Young, who doth acted the part of a most chivalrous knight, did keepeth a distressed Damsel K from feeling yon effects of a truly hellacious atmosphere.
All a man needs in life, is this right here:
The Cult of M__________ gathers 'round. Young Old proceeded to devour Auntie Marie's bouquet. We're still wiping pollen chunks out of his butt crack and fending off honey bees almost two months later.
Young Old, enthralled by our corrupting lessons of mischief, mayhem and general roguishness.
Aunt T gave us a break from The Boy, allowing us to finally gulp down some vittles and bits. Thanks, yo. We owe you one.
Young Old, escorting Second Cousin M around the reception grounds. And no, he's not walking unassisted yet, so stop asking. You'll be the first to know, believe that.
Oh yes, we get down.
[Thanks to The Bruce for most of these fine photographs.-Ed.]
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