Young Old loves bath time so much, sometimes he simply can't be bothered with getting undressed for the occasion.

Aunt Chabecita, who traveled all the way to Portland from Chile, ended up spending most of her week here reading to Young Old. He'll appreciate it one day, I'm sure.
Young Old played the part of the tour guide, dragging Aunt Chabecita all over town to show off his favorite sites. For some reason, we spent a lot of time in bars. Might be time for a talk, my boy.

Go Blazers.

I can't thank the Trailblazers organization enough. Their baby-containment devices are ingenious.

The obligatory Multnomah Falls flick. Aunt Chabecita was obviously impressed. Young Old, after his 4,920th visit, was not.

Our adorable little toy glutton at work.

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