Fearlessly, he did dodge into traffic, free of the bonds imposed upon him by his Auntie Ali.

With great strength and vigor did Captain Awesome attempt to bury his father beneath the burning sands blanketing the coast of Oregon.

[Insert adorable snapshot of Mama K and the Boy at the beach here, which, sadly, our hateful computer maliciously decided to single out and destroy. -Ed.]
Ravenous wasps of doom failed to strike terror into the iron heart of our intrepid adventurer.
Captain Awesome, creeper peeper extraordinaire.

Woe to the beasts that roam the land. Beware ye of the mighty blows that do rain from The Captain's fists, for he will smite ye with little provocation.

Still, Captain Awesome is but a man, and thusly, requires sustenance to fuel his engines of discovery and might. Ice cream, as always, does fit the bill.

Satiated by the day's accomplishments and advancements, our hero did settle down with an ancient friend, hoping to soothe his racing imagination, which already prepared for the morrow's exploits and endeavors.

And so another episode ends, good readers. Fear not, though, for Caaaaaptaaaaaain Aweeeeesooooome shall return!
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