Young Old chomping at the bit, ready to dig into some delicious Indian food with our dear friends Porksie and Country Mike (whose identity shall remain a mystery. Right, DB Cooper?).

Mama K and I celebrating our five-year anniversary, sans the Young One. I'm still madly in love with you, K.

Training The Son in the art of grilling the perfect burger. He was a quick study...here's to hoping Frisco the Cat's hair will grow back one of these days.

Lord Young presiding over the banquet we poor peasants doth prepared in his honor.

The Fam enjoying a neighborhood stroll.

Young Wizard tapping into the energies of the universe to stop time. When he hit the "play" button once more, we found him on the couch eating Cheetos and playing video games. Not exactly what I'd call using your abilities to their full potential, bud.

His good cheer is downright infectious.

As I was saying...

It even affects folks he's never met before, such as his Auntie Wisconsin. We call it his Smile Control. You are now getting haaaaapy.

Thanks Becky and Aunt T for the pictures!
you are right babe, he is the most amazing happy kid! He makes me light up inside that is for sure! Love you Young Old...and Old... I am still in love with you like the day we got married for sure! may we grow old and tired together...
ReplyDeletekisses to my two favorite boys in this world.
Mama K
I think Jasper has the greatest smile. You can't help but smile when you are around him. He is such a happy kid!