This about sums up how much fun we had on the flight from Portland to Seattle to Juneau to Sitka. Young Old, formerly quite the trooper, waited until this trip to develop a severe case of Conduct Disorder.

As you can see, that seat belt lasted about 3.41 seconds.

"Freed from one restraint, only to land myself in another. Man, this sucks."

Playing tourist and making monster sounds in downtown Sitka. Rrrraaarghhhh...

Cold chillin' with Kari at the Backdoor Cafe. He's pouting because we wouldn't get him a latte.

"Dude, Dad, float planes are awesome!" We could only nod, butts firmly clenched, terrified for our lives.

"Mama, what's the matter? Don't you think this is awesome?" [Note to readers: Mama K gets motion sickness from walking too fast. Poor Mama K. -Ed.]

In Port Alexander at last. Young Old collapsed in the corner, physically and mentally exhausted. His arch-nemesis Young Sage immediately greeted him with a retina-searing 60000-Watt spotlight, to the face. Welcome to the Laughing Raven Lodge.

"Even though I'll likely never see again, sure, we can be friends." Seriously, isn't that just too precious?

Mama K and Young Old breaking out their B-Boy/Girl poses for the cover of their next album, Boots, Boardwalks and Blueberry Beats.

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