Floating our way out of Port Alexander. Young Old is puzzling over why he's the only crew member of the HMS (this is Canada, after all) Skiff that's required to wear this ungodly-uncomfortable flotation vest. That's just the breaks, kid.

Young Old, playing Ewok, near the infamous Dude Ranch, of which, in our sheer excitement, we failed to capture a picture. Use your imagination...crumbling wooden structure, bear excrement, and the rotting remains of Gold Rush-era crusty miners. Pretty fun spot to vacation at, actually.

Young Old and Young Sage panning for gold...which they promptly ate. Us parental figures spent some time panning diapers afterward.

Young Old and Young Sage, building us a cabin at our mining claim. They were pretty pissed when they found out we were only going to be there a few hours. Nice cabin, though.

Breaking for lunch. That apple cost us damn near close to six bucks, so you better enjoy it, pal. Seriously, Alaskan produce is not cheap, which is probably why most residents fail to procure a proper source of vitamins during their short, hardscrabble lives. I kid...the plentiful and nutritious blueberries are off the hook, line and sinker.

Instructing the Young One in the art of rock tossing. He got it after a few more tosses, and we've been replacing windows ever since.
Young Old arrived little more than a helpless pup, but left as a ferocious warrior.

The adventurers: Young Old, Mama K, Papa Old, Aunt Molly-O, Young Sage, and Uncle Ryan.

Heading home, satiated with excitement, our journey ended...but not without a rousing game of Spot the Shipwreck. We both lost.