I'm all lost in the supermarket, I can no longer shop happily. ~Clash

Young Old's new friend Dixon dishing out the bear hug treatment.

Young Crazy Legs, illin' out in his very first b-boy stance.

In deference to my mother-in-law, I'm no longer allowed to tag these photos with inappropriate, alcohol-related comments. Needless to say, Young Old can seriously put a few back when the shakes really set in.

Getting reacquainted with Grandpa Alaska, after a seriously too-long hiatus. We set up a web cam this weekend in order to better stay in touch, keep the faces fresh, show off his new fart noises, etc.

Young Old is already quite the ladies man, despite the dorky country/prep attire.

He's really excited for the impending emergence of Auntie Denelle's own little mini-midget, mostly so he can teach the little squirmer a thing or two about the proper way to project one's stomach contents, with maximum furniture coverage in mind.

Young Old and Grandpa Alaska relishing their shared love of the printed page. Not to worry David; next time you're around, he'll likely have moved on from fuzzy rabbits and be ready to discuss Brian Greene's The Fabric of the Cosmos.

That impish smile can only mean one thing...Grandpa is probably going to have a permanent butt juice stain on the arm of his shirt.

The Old's rocking their finest NorthWestern wear. (Nerds. -Ed.)

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