Most parents take their child to the park to let them run wild and work out some energy in the hopes of a lengthier than usual afternoon nap. Myself, I prefer to dig a hole in which to bury my son up to his chest in, so that I can safely take a little siesta of my own.

Young Old, truly excited about his upcoming audition for the part of Elrond, elvish lord of Rivendell, for the new Hobbit films. Honestly, I think the film studio will be overjoyed at the prospect of saving a few bucks on ear prosthetics.

Happy Birthday, Mama K (though, in Young Old's eyes, we were obviously celebrating him..."Wait, what do you mean I can't have any of my own cake?")!

Aunt T and I took Young Old to the Portland Art Museum a few months back, and he absolutely soaked it all up, twitching his eyes rapidly from painting to sculpture to photograph in wondrous delight. Actually, now that I think about it, as we spent a good deal of time in the permanent European collection, he was probably trying to figure out what the deal was with so much titty, but so little milk.

Art overloadZzzzzzzzzz.

Young Old chilling with his Nessa Bug.

Young Old, getting a back rub from his new friend Rachel, displaying an uncanny adeptness at working the system to his advantage.

Nessa Bug, Auntie Annie, and our motley crew fueling up at Stumptown Coffee, hands down the best "Cup O' " connoisseurs in the city. (And, possibly, the world. -Ed.)

Young Old, suffering from a life of anxiety and depression, finally convinced us to put him through psychotherapy and a course of medication. It was money well-spent...just look at the cheerful results:

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