A few weeks back, Young Old, Mama K, Aunt T and I headed out west to the coastal Ft. Stevens State Park for an overnight camping trip, The Boy's first. We were to stay in a yurt, a less rustic, and certainly less nomadic, version of the Mongol Horde's choice of sleep shelter. As a lifelong backpacker, used to spending the night outdoors in nothing but a sleeping bag, this was the ultimate form of wilderness luxury...solid raised floor, waterproof canvas walls and roofing, electric lights, comfortable beds, locking front door, table and chairs, and even a small space heater...oh, the excess of it all! We had chosen this form of accommodation so as to best transition Young Old into the world of nature from his previous world of solely experiencing an urban environment. The experiment was a resounding adventure-filled success, complete with ancient shipwrecks, raccoon-like Mongol invaders, crumbling Civil War/WWI/WWII forts, magnificent sunsets, and most importantly, the glowing smile of a young child in the thrall of utter wonder and delight.
A few photos:
The price is certainly right, and with the proper curtains...

On second thought, it is a bit dreary...

Finally, some time to myself.

Well, I don't think we have to worry about Young Old enlisting when he comes of age...

Baby Khan in his proper element.

"Thanks, Parental Unit, let's do this again sometime!"
Oh my God! Love the baby Khan...can't wait to see you guys.