As the creative juices simply are not flowing today, we're going to do this bullet-point stylie:
- Young Old has found his voice, and is wielding it in wildly variate fashions, transitioning from grunts into shrill cries into ghostly howls into raspberries into Wookie gurgles into something resembling human speech. Pretty exciting shit, as I'm a little tired of the whole googoogaagaa act, which has caused my IQ to plummet into the double digits.
- BANG BANG BANG BANGING is the new game around these here parts. Hands smacking the table, rattles smashing into my glasses, spoons crashing into mugs, it's a percussion concert most days. It must have been all that hip hop, and he's just making some beats.
- Young Old has picked up cause and effect. Smack that hand on the water in the bath, and you get all sorts of wonderful results...cries of surprise from Mama K, water flying into the air and all over the bathroom floor, a comatose Papa Old when he slips on the spillage, fun fun fun. Toss that toy on the ground and watch the Folks pick it up and hand it back, repeat ad nauseum. Scream shrilly and, !voila!, expressions of concern. Laugh maniacally and repeat after giving the Handlers a few minutes to recover.
- Dude is sitting completely unsupported now. Sit him in front of some toys or a mirror = hands-free parenting! Now this is more like it.
- He's mastered passing objects back and forth between his hands, rotating them to look at them from all angles, but continues to attempt to shove everything that touches his slimy Gollum fingers completely into his mouth cavern.
- He's ticklish. Finally. He has the most wonderful laugh.
- He's acquiring a taste for tantrums. This, friends, is not a welcome development.
- Young Old seems to recognize his name, but more often than not chooses to ignore us, as he has much more important things to do like shoving his pacifier into his ear canal.
- A tentative, yet caring, bond is developing between Young Old and Frisco the Cat. She comes up to him for hair pulling and eye gouging several times a day, and Young Old tells her all about the mysteries of the universe.
- Young Old is obsessed with his Jumperoo, which is basically a Flintstone conveyance attached to gigantic rubber bands. He will jump in this thing for an hour at a time, "whooooooo"-ing the whole time, then emerge from it's restraints with a disturbingly fast heart rate. Young Old, age six months, three massive heart attacks. Seriously though, this is his favorite form of entertainment, and a must buy for all those mentally ill individuals contemplating contraception-free intercourse.
- No crawling yet, but we've been working on his break dancing abilities, and he's now got the 360 degree head spins down pat.

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