That is, if I'm not too tired. Young Old's had mega-gas issues lately, keeping him up all night, due to some completely awesome Mexican food Mama K recently ingested at our local taco truck (two blocks away, in a gas station parking lot. I love our new neighborhood), which, due to the magical wonders of her stomach contents affecting her breast milk, has Young Old practically begging for relief from the near-constant barrage of butt blasts.
His first words came today: "Helloooo. How 'bout some Beano over here."
Strolling around in the new 'hood.

Aunt T and Young Old posing in front of our home. It's actually really nice inside.

Not an especially cute picture of the little bugger, but our sponsor requires that we get in a product placement shot once in a while. When diaper rash comes a knockin', choosy babies choose Boudreaux's! Number One in the Butt Business...Boudreaux's Butt Paste! [Sell out. -Ed.]

While most people watch TV after work, we mostly hang out as a family and cultivate our narcissism.

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