Our first day in the new home, and all I could think about was putting Young Old to sleep so I could get to unpacking. Mission Accomplished.

God help us if you ever see this photo, my son. Yes, you are terrifyingly adorable, sitting up in your chair with that cute baby look on your face. And yes, unfortunately, you are still wearing that god-awful pumpkin outfit well beyond the 24-hour holiday period you agreed to. I am so, so, sorry, my man. Let's just blame it on mommy, okay?

The Boys enjoying a lazy Sunday morning, taking the chill off and catching up on the news over a warm cup o' joe.

Is it just me, or could Young Old fit inside Mama K's face? That's awesome.

Teasing Young Old is hilariously, especially when he's hooked into his Krang cart and is unable to exact revenge.

Young Old the Mall Rat lazily conversing over a steaming cafe au lait maternel.

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