Auntie Ren calming a furious Young Old after the photographer's assistant made a disparaging remark about the Little Folk. Easy there, buddy.

To cut down on costs, Auntie Ren and Uncle Train hosted their wedding at the nearby train tracks. Young Old kept yelling "Choooooo chooooooooo!!!" throughout the entire ceremony. It was hilarious. Seriously though, it was a beautiful wedding, you two. Congrats.

"Step on a leaf, loosen your Daddy's teeth. Man, this is going to be hard..."

Our familial unit getting our photo snuggle on.


Before the big event, Young Old took the opportunity to push crusty food-laden carts around the parking lot and make automobile noises. Dude, this isn't Arkansas.

A dashing Young Old (shirking his duties as ring bearer) escorting his radiant Mama K down the aisle.

The Debonair One charming the ladies. Seriously, parents, please keep an eye on your daughters when Young Old is visiting. We're not looking to be grandparents anytime soon.

Bedtime, Mama.

oh baby we have a cute one no? lets have another...wink wink!