Watch for the look of pure joy near the end. Priceless.
Bad picture, but the only one taken of Young Old presiding over his second Thanksgiving feast. Let's just pretend that his eyes are drooping out of sheer anticipation for the inevitable tryptophan overload.

Post-feast entertainment provided by Young Old, performing his hit song, "Don't Clap While I'm Clapping, Michael and GrandPops".
Mama K getting all artsy-fartsy. Columbia Sportswear owes us money for this one, too, I'd imagine.

The "boy" archetype, if I've ever seen one. Unidentifiable slimy brown object in hand? Check. Unidentifiable slimy brown substance smeared on face? Check.

Learning the Way of the Pyro with Professor GrandPops.

Young Old enjoying some time at the beach in Northern Cali with Mama K. The two of them are easily the most beautiful scenery for hundreds of miles, forcing the redwoods into a distant second place.

Young Astronaut taking small steps on the moon.

Good visit, Pops. Sorry it took so long to post these...
it had to be poop huh?