"You guys can't trick me...I know this motor is attached to the world's biggest boat, so let's get rolling."

Playing conductor at Grandpa Alaska's. Please note our feeble attempt at baby-proofing the garbage can.

Young Paratrooper preparing for Operation Market Garden...a few decades too late.

Grandpa Alaska taking his feeding responsibilities very seriously.

Likely the least flattering photo of Young and Old in existence. We hope.

Grandma Alaska, taking a break from her chef duties at The Lodge to get in some Young snuggles.
Birth Control #348...chilled blueberries and aged river otter.

Birth Control #349...pureed salmon-berries and tender, still kicking, grizzly cub.

Young Old sneaks into the pantry, and of all the intriguing foodstuffs, he goes straight for the cat food. A man of good taste, if I may say so. That shit is delicious.

Starting the day right with a cup o' joe. Don't worry, Mom, his is decaf.

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