Chalk this contraption up under the category of completely unnecessary baby gear. I imagine that the backpack is wonderful out on hiking excursions, not that we have time for them, but Mama K is obsessed with venturing outside the home with Young Old strapped in Urban Commando-style. Young Old digs it, though, so I guess I'll just shut up.

As the sun has only recently begun to show his warm, cancer-inducing smile, this was Young Old's first experience with sunscreen. He found it quite delicious. Good thing it's organic. [Wait a second...organic sunscreen? Really? I cry bullshit.-Ed.] Apparently it was my first experience with sunscreen, as well, as I thought one is supposed to massage it into one's scalp to protect one's noggin. Instead, Young Old emerged from my ministrations with one seriously greasy, and nastily tangled, mop of head fur. Sorry, Mama K, we're learning here.

Just another day at the office.

Not sure whether he's going for the Bob Dylan or the Kramer look, but I know I like it.

"Hey, doppelganger buddy! Oh man, you also dig The Coup? I stole this album from Daddy, how 'bout you?"

I love this picture of my better two-thirds. Uncle Railroad's creeping around in the background.

The Young One soaking up his Grandma Alaska before her Portland departure.

Young Old, listening to his favorite radio station: KCRY 1040 AM, all whine, all the time. By the way, check out that shirt! Thanks, Auntie Annie.

Our new favorite pastime...spying on the neighbors and reporting back to the HOA. Young Old has the CC&Rs memorized by now.

Leaving some caricature love for Mama K to find on her way out the door. We really appreciate you bringing home the bacon, love. 'Cause bacon is delicious.

What an adorable little human. I can't say 'good job' enough.