Well, people, I had all these great blog ideas to share with you, but unfortunately, Port Alexander's "upgraded" Internet system effectively functions at the speed of a 14k modem (remember those?)...well, to be fair, it's more like a 56k modem. Pictures take close to fifteen minutes each to upload...when the system is working at top capacity. When it's not, even text-blogging is simply out of the question. I'm thinking you'll be lucky to get any more than this single post while we're up here. The wilds of Alaska, indeed.-Ed.]
A few weeks back, our little family traveled south to our old stomping grounds in Northern California, in and around San Francisco, to attend and participate in a slew of weddings. It was Young
Old's first visit to Cali, and we took him on a whirlwind tour of all the places that had become important to us (my hometown, where we met in college, The City, etc.). It was a great adventure, though we barely had a moment to breath while bouncing around from one event to the next (which is why, slow
Internet included, Alaska is a great place to be right now..but more on that later, of course).
Young Old had a wonderful time hanging out at
GrandPops' house in Crescent City. One of the mornings we were there, my father saw that Young Old had woken up quite early and recognizing our need for another hour of sleep, he grabbed The Boy and they spent some quality time together. A precious moment, if I've ever seen one.

Easily my favorite picture of Young Old and his
GrandPops. I've a feeling these two are going to become true and great friends over the next few years.

Young Old getting a hug from our good friend Luci-Dog while waiting for a table at Renata's
Creperie in downtown
Arcata, where Mama K and I fell in love while attending Humboldt State University, big dirty hippies that we are. Great seeing you,

Young Old, straight
loungin' at The Thirsty Bear in San Francisco for Uncle
Danpa's birthday celebration. Our boy was enamored with the flamenco dancers, and has since become obsessed with
Andalusian gypsy culture.

Young Old hanging out with Mama K's good friend Elena's latest addition, Young Mia. The two certainly bonded in their brief time together.

Maybe even bonded a little too well... Son, at least buy her a bottle of milk before rubbing diapers.

The Bruce showing Young Old, Young Mia and Friend Elena the proper technique to feeding goldfish. Since then, Young Old finds it hilarious to "feed" us with a properly thrown handful of Cheerios.

Young Old assisting his Nana with the preparation of dinner. Just last night he made us a wonderful meal of sauteed truffles and bouillabaisse, followed by maple-bacon profiteroles and sherry. Thanks, Mom, it's good to finally be putting the kid to use.

Young Old keeping us safe in the backyard pool.

The certified life guard springs into action when an obviously distressed Mama K begins flailing her arms for help.

WARNING! Don't peek below unless you want to see some ex-
Chippendales models rinsing off. Seriously though, Young Old loves the shower, while simultaneously being terrified of it. It's a hilarious experience. Plus, it's really the only way to thoroughly get that accumulated food/poop crust dislodged from his exterior.

Young Old enjoying a nightcap of fermented salad dressing with his Nana and The Bruce.