[I'd say this batch now puts us exactly one month behind. I'm trying, people. -Ed.]
My beautiful family.

Pre-near death choking incident. Always break those toasted oats in half, friends.

"I could do a lot of damage with this, Dad. Can you step out of the room for a few minutes?"

Young Old puzzling over the best method for spit-varnishing this unfinished piece of chewamajig.

Frisco the Cat: "Oh my, prrrrrr. All that water...prrrrrr, the horror. Hairless man-thing, your honorary feline membership has been officially, prrrrrrr, revoked."

Oi! Bollocks to Her Majesty.

Our friend Ali soaking up some Young Old positivity.

Having suffered extreme constipation for a solid week, Young Old took matters into his own hands, resorting to the high pressure water enema. Auntie Ren is still working out the stains.

Auntie Ren, showering the Youngin' with kisses.

Uncle Railroad taking advantage of my absence to transform my son into a total foamer. Look it up...completely cute, but so not cool.

I made the blog! Thanks guys. It was so wonderful to meet Young Old and to see you Mama K. Lots of love to you all. Ali