The little brain goblin controlling Young Old's growth recently hit the "Overdrive" button. Our little son has become not so little anymore, adding a handful of inches over this time last month, and almost doubling his weight, likely the result of his voracious mammary-milk appetite. Sometimes I have to remind myself how much I'd be eating if I was shooting for close to 400 lbs. by next month. His muscle mass is expanding at a ridiculous rate, allowing him to hold his head up as long as he'd like, to stand up with very little assistance, and to sock me so hard my eye bleeds. He's discovered his fingers, and has begun to hold his pacifier in place and assist with holding up his milk bottle. He's also fascinated by everything he brushes up against, running his fingers through my beard, grabbing onto his own hair, and attempting to yank his ears off. The same goes for the tongue...anything remotely close to his mouth now gets the tongue treatment...jab jab, lick lick. Often, he simply tests the air like a cobra, attempting to locate unwary prey, like the lens of my glasses. Our favorite part about whatever milestones he's nailing is the new found method of verbal communication. His eewing, grunting, gurgling, aahing, and coooing strike a chord in whichever brain region of ours is responsible for smiles and laughter. We literally burst into love giggles whenever he decides he wants to give this whole "talk" thing a spin. Lately, we've been holding cooing conversations for ten, twenty minutes at a time. The Boy and I are bonding, and it feels great whenever I step into the room and he looks straight into my eyes and gives me a huge smile, then proceeds to babble what I hope is a "Don't worry, Dad. You're doing just fine."
Young Old at two months:

so--I really enjoy these posting whre you write so sweetly about jasper's growing and changing! I cansee how mush that is happening from the photos, also. thanks Dustin. I am sur e looking forward to seeing you all at Thanksgiving...
ReplyDeleteGrandma Aurora
You guys are doing great, and little Jasper is a delight to be around. I can't wait for Thursdays.